i. Cooperation in the field of health in the post-Covid 19 period
The Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated once again that cooperation both at the international and at the regional level is key to cope with such global challenges.
The transboundary nature of the pandemic requires a coordinated response. Effective distribution of limited resources, providing timely assistance and sharing lessons-learnt and best practices have been crucial during this period. Continued experience sharing among the SEECP Participants in the post Covid-19 period would also be an added-value to joint efforts in this field.
As a socio-economic consequence of this crisis, a wide spectrum of sectors deeply felt the negative impact of the pandemic. In the post Covid-19 period, international partnerships will be crucial for bringing back economic growth. International and regional organizations will have a role to play in achieving sustainable recovery. Regional fora will also have a role in shaping tailor-made responses to the post-Covid 19 socio-economic challenges. In this regard, SEECP would play an important role to initiate a dialogue for the socio-economic recovery of the SEE region as a whole.